
Thursday, 17 February 2011

Prediksi dan Latihan Soal UASBN SD IPA 2011 (science for elementary School)

n exercise to prepare UASBN in 2011, not much different from previous predictions, the contents of the following predictions cover
1. special characteristics of animals
2. examples of adaptation in plants and animals
3. the nature of light propagation
4. how animal and plant breeding
5. heat insulator
6. food chain
7. symbiosis types and functions
8. functions and parts of human organs

Latihan Soal UASBN IPA Elementary School (SD)

The following questions are about exercise for primary school (elementary school) as an exercise to prepare UASBN in 2011, the contents of the following predictions cover
1. special characteristics of animals
2. examples of adaptation in plants and animals
3. ovivar and vivivar
4. how animal and plant breeding
5. game reserve
6. food chain
7. symbiosis types and functions
8. functions and parts

Soal Latihan UASBN 2011 Mathemtics Elementary School (SD)

The following questions are about exercise for primary school (elementary school) as an exercise to prepare UASBN in 2011, the contents of the following predictions cover
1. add operation, less, for and times
2. about the story about the increase and multiplication
3. added operations fractions
4. extensive calculations
5. calculation about the tour through the story
6. rotation and reflection

Soal Latihan UAN SMA Mathematics 2011

basic math equations, matrices to pave the prediction and exercises UAN SMA 2011 for the following, the roots of quadratic equations, arithmetic series, the angle of the triangle, the set of solutions at the trigonometry like sin, cos, tan, limit and function, the volume of rotating objects, many tribes , vectors and so forth.

to download please click download on the embed object under the

Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Soal Ujian Nasional (UN/UAN) IPA 2010 for SMP/MTS type B

The next question was related to an earlier post of National Exam (UN / UAN), IPA 2010 for SMP / MTS type A, this time our team brings about type B, not much different but very important indeed as a comparison material.

n this post you can download the national exam which was held in 2010, hOPE this matter can be an exercise for students to prepare them for national examinations in 2011. you can

Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Soal Ujian Nasional (UN/UAN) IPA 2010 for SMP/MTS type A

The following question sheet is a test of natural science for junior high school students (SMP / MTS)
The following question is a matter of natural science for middle school students (SMP / MTS)
in this post you can download the national exam which was held in 2010, harapanya this matter can be an exercise for students to prepare them for national examinations in 2011. you can learn skills such

Sunday, 6 February 2011

Prediksi dan soal pembahasan Matematika SMP Ujian Nasional (UN/UAN) 2010/2011

in this post contains predictions about the dna samples to test UAN / UN year 2010/2011, written by dra.suyatmi, several indicators used to measure the ability of this prediction is
- meghitung added capabilities, lack of, for and times
- solve problems related to fractions
- completion numbers in a matter of the story, about the comparison with the concept of story
- solve math problems related