
Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Prediksi, Latihan soal Ujian Nasional UASBN, IPA - science program for Elementary School packet 4

Prediksi UASBN IPA 2011 untuk SD, exercise to prepare UASBN in 2011, not much different from previous predictions, the contents of the following predictions cover
1. special characteristics of animals
2. examples of adaptation in plants and animals
3. basic electrical, seri and parallel of lamp
4. conductor and isolator
5. heat insulator, electrical insulator
6. food chain of animal
7. symbiosis

Saturday, 12 March 2011

Prediksi, Latihan soal Ujian Nasional UASBN, IPA - science program for Elementary School

Prediksi UASBN IPA 2011 untuk SD, exercise to prepare UASBN in 2011, not much different from previous predictions, the contents of the following predictions cover
1. special characteristics of animals
2. examples of adaptation in plants and animals
3. how animal and plant breeding
4. basic electrical, seri and parallel of lamp
5. heat insulator
6. food chain of animal
7. symbiosis types and

Friday, 11 March 2011

Prediksi, Latihan soal + pembahasan Bahasa Indonesia class 6 UASBN or semester 1st

latihan soal selanjutnya adalah soal prediksi IPA untuk UASBN, this test suitable for 6 grade class of elementary school, this test also suitable for preparing national exam with in Indonesia it's called UASBN, wwe'll learn about basic reading in Indonesian, the question of paragraphs, learn about various types of professional work, procedures for writing news, making the composition of the show,